QualiBelly Advanced - Triband Abdominal support
QualiBelly Advanced is a unique, patented, compression support for any kind of surgery in the abdominal area and has unmatched comfort and functionality, both for patients and health care staff.
It promotes recovery, gets patients liberated earlier from bed and allows them to walk upright without putting strain on the wound.
Read more about QualiBelly Advanced below or select a topic from the index to jump to the relevant section.
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What problems could patients face after abdominal surgery?
Patients that undergo abdominal surgery face a variety of risks during recovery.
Specially if they are in the so called high risk group.
It has been reported that more than 40% of all postoperative complications occurred after discharge, and 75% of those happened 14 days after leaving the hospital. [read the literature here]
Furthermore, the costs for hospitals and other health care providers rise significantly when treating postoperative complications.
The most common complications after abdominal surgery are:
Surgical Site Infections: Surgical site infections have been reported in more than a third of all complications after major abdominal surgery (MAS), and the incidence is most likely underestimated since a significant proportion of cases are diagnosed after discharge.
Abdominal Wound Dehiscence (separation of the wound): The incidence of abdominal wound dehiscence, one of the most serious postoperative complications, ranges between 0.3-3.5% and as high as 10% among the elderly, with a mortality rate as high as 45%.
Incisional Hernia: Incisional hernia can develop after any type of abdominal wall incision. The incidence of hernia has been found to range from 2% to 20% and is significantly higher for midline incisions compared with transverse incisions (11% vs. 4.7%), while the overall incidence of incisional hernia was 9.9% after laparotomy and only 0.7% after laparoscopy.
Postoperative Pulmonary Complications: After major elective abdominal surgery, these complications are under-reported as they are not part of the current hospital quality measures. Yet, PPCs are a major cause of peri-operative morbidity and mortality. The incidence of Postoperative Pulmonary Complications have been found to be between 5% and 40%,
and were associated with a 30-day mortality rate of 18%
- Chronic Post Surgical Pain: Chronic post surgical pain is a major, largely unrecognised clinical problem, and the incidence of it is most likely underestimated. Acute postoperative pain is followed by Chronic Post Surgical Pain in 10–50% of patients after common surgeries and can be severe in about 2–10%.
Why is wound compression important?
Stabilization of the abdominal wound is an important aspect of postoperative care to prevent wound complications such as dehiscence, infections, and hernia formations. At the same time, coughing is a necessary postoperative activity to expel accumulated secretions after anesthesia and clear the lungs of atelectasis. However, engaging the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm in the process of coughing results in a brief, yet significant increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Deep breathing, sneezing, laughing, or straining during defecation likewise increase the intra-abdominal pressure, causing tension and pain in the postoperative wound.
The use of an effective abdominal binder to support the wound in the early postoperative period may be crucial for wound stabilization, pain control and to give a better support than the patient’s own hands can give.
QualiBelly Advanced is a unique compression support for any kind of surgery in the abdominal area and has unmatched comfort and functionality, both for the patient and health care staff.
What is QualiBelly Advanced?
QualiBelly Advanced is a multi-functional tri-band abdominal compression binder formed of 3 elastic bands that overlap and are attached to each other by small, proprietary, vertical stitches. Each band has an adjustable velcro closure, and there are no vertical stitches in the proximity of the closure area. This leaves an opening between the bands to provide an exit for drainage tubes, stoma pouches and other devices that may exit from the abdomen. Each band can be adjusted to different tensions for adaption to the type of intervention and comfort level of the patient. Any of the bands can be opened separately for wound inspection and care without opening all 3 bands of the binder.
Available in two different versions: with a total height of 27cm / 10.6 Inches or a total height of 40cm / 15.7 Inches.
Patients can purchase from here:
QualiBelly Advanced is light years ahead of traditional abdominal binders, both in comfort for patients, functionality and convenience for staff.
Constant protection and support:
The wound and abdominal area will constantly be protected by the elastic, firm, ventilated and remarkably light material.
The level of compression can be adjusted to the type of surgery, and to what feels comfortable for the patient on the upper-, mid- and lower part of the abdomen.
Such compression leads to less swelling and less pain, which gives more comfort and a better posture.
And patients don’t need to support the wound with their hands which leaves them free for other tasks.

Three individual adjustable bands form one unique, compression binder.

Improved posture and deeper breathing:
The improved posture makes patients stand and walk more upright, which helps them to breathe more profoundly and with less pain.
Deeper breathing is not only crucial after surgery to avoid lung complications, it is also an important stress reliever.
With less pain, a better posture, improved breathing and their hands free, it is easier to get out of bed, walk and do the exercises that hospital staff will recommend to get up to speed again after surgery. When patients increase activity levels it will also help to get the digestive system into function, so patients can get home sooner.

Patients get in control of their recovery:
Patients can be less dependent on health care staff since drainage systems or other devices are attached directly to them on the QualiBelly Advanced.
When patients want to get out of bed, they do not have to wait for available staff. They can gain more control of their exercise activities and progress of recovery.
And when patients want to sit down and rest, they can just fold the upper band down. Then there is no pressure on the upper abdomen, they breathe easier and get more back support.

When is it used?
QualiBelly Advanced is recommended to be used after all major abdominal surgeries.
Furthermore, it is highly recommended for patients in the the high risk group.
Patients that are considered to be in the high risk group for developing postoperative complications can be identified with the following risk factors and are recommended to wear QualiBelly Advanced immediately after surgery continuously for 6 to 8 weeks.
Common risk factors for surgical site infection, and abdominal wound dehiscence:
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Current smokers
- Use of steroids
- Low albumin level
- Jaundice
- Emergency surgery
Additional risk factors for surgical site infection:
- Age over 40 years
- Dyspnea
- Alcoholism
- Recent radiotherapy
- Complex procedure
- Wound classification
Additional risk factors for abdominal wound dehiscence:
- Age over 65 years
- Male gender
- Anemia
- Uremia
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Cancer
- Wound infection
- Coughing
Risk factors for Incisional Hernia:
- Ostomy reversal
- Recent chemotherapy
- Bariatric surgery
- Smoking
- Liver disease
- Obesity
- Postoperative surgical site infection
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm
Additional risk factors for Postoperative Pulmonary Complications:
- Ventilation-perfusion mismatch
- Hypoxemia
- Postoperative pain
- Diaphragmatic dysfunction
- Decreased chest wall compliance
- Depressed airway reflexes
Additional risk factors for Chronic Post Surgical Pain:
- Increased length of surgery
- Low volume surgical unit
- Open vs laparoscopic surgery
- Standard hernia repair
How is it used?
How to Measure for the best size:
10 key reasons to use QualiBelly Advanced abdominal surgery:
1. Decreased risk of infection
Separation of drainage systems, driver line systems or any other device systems is completely eliminated when using QualiBelly Advanced - the risk of infection is decreased.
2. No more time-consuming cutting of holes in binder material
The bands of the QualiBelly Advanced are closed above and below drainage tubes, stoma devices, driver lines or other devices that may exit from the abdominal area, and the closure slits give ample space and flexibility for any size or form of devices - the use of scissors or knives to make holes in the material is completely eliminated.
3. Wound inspection and care with maintained abdominal support
and less pain
One or two of the three QualiBelly Advanced bands can be opened for easy access to the wound site, while one (or two) of the bands remain closed
- partial abdominal support is maintained making wound care less painful
4. Reclosure by just one health care person
Unlike traditional binders QualiBelly Advanced can easily be re-closed on patients of all body sizes incl. the extremely obese, on condition that one of the bands is kept closed - less staff required to handle wound care
5. Compression adjusted to type of surgery
The compression can be individually adjusted at upper, mid or lower abdominal segments thanks to the three bands being attached to each other by a proprietary stitching method while leaving ample closure slits - unmatched patient comfort.
6. Conversion to a lower two-band support
Unlike traditional binders, the top band of QualiBelly Advanced can easily be folded down for additional comfort and back support when patients need to rest in the sitting position - unmatched patient comfort.
7. Optional universal drainage/device holder and line organizer
Enables organization and attachment directly to the QualiBelly Advanced of drainage bottles or other devices and their respective lines which facilitates the patients liberation from the bed - no more need for pins or tape.
8. Compliments and protects the internal closures with a firm, external support
Reduces swelling and potential for hernia, optimizes wound alignment and healing - decreased risk of complications
9. Improves patients posture and breathing techniques
A better posture improves a patients breathing which helps to prevent postoperative lung complications - decreased risk of complications
10. Decreases health care costs and gives a hospital significant return of investment
Designed to prevent infections, decrease postoperative pain and pulmonary complications - significant ROI.
Patients can purchase from here:
QualiBreath can be used with the following accessories:
CryoPouch: A practical tool to provide pain relief without drugs. Fits directly on the QualiBelly Advanced abdominal support. The CryoPouch has two pockets for cold packs and is designed to provide cold treatment to relieve incision pain and discomfort after sternotomy and other surgeries in the chest.
QualiPad: A postoperative wound protection pad to use in the car after any type of surgery. It protects the wound or trauma area from the seat belt in the car after hospital discharge. It's easy to apply to the seat belt and patients can leave it on - no need to remember to bring it. Made of a comfortable, soft material it maintains the safety of the seat belt with the softness of a pillow.
Drain Belt: The Drain Belt provides an easy method to keep drainage bulbs safe and discreetly tucked away in a pretty and sporty
waist belt for men and women. Easy and quick inspection of drainage fluids.
Increased convenience for patients and staff with decreased risk of accidental pulling of drain lines and bottles.
Features: The Drain Belt has two pockets that each can contain up to 3 bulbs for a total of 6.
There is no need to use pins, tape or clamps. Simply place the bulbs inside the pockets where they can freely expand as they fill thanks to the semi-transparent, elastic material. The drain belt is secured around the waist by two elastic bands that close with Velcro at the left side with a wide range for adjustment.